+971 2 6266614

SFE25 Fire Safety Awareness

Duration: ½ Day

Course Objectives:

This course aims to provide delegates with a basic understanding of fire safety in relation to their workplace. Fire kills. It is estimated that 80% of businesses that suffer a fire go in to liquidation within three years. Having a workforce trained in fire safety will greatly reduce the risk of fire starting in the workplace. It will also help protect individuals as well as reducing the risk of enforcement action through issues such as blocked fire escapes, missing extinguishers etc.

Who Should Attend

This is an essential course for all employees in every workplace. Employers are required to provide necessary training and supervision to all employees in relation to fire safety.

Course Overview

- Introduction to fire safety
- The legal framework
- Responsibilities
- How a fire starts – the fire triangle
- How a fire spreads
- How to prevent fire starting
- Different classes of fire
- What to do in the event of a fire
- Different types of fire extinguishers
- Fire safety at home

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