+971 2 6266614

SFE11 Financial Forecasting Techniques

Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

In today’s complex environment, businesses must reassess their planning, budgeting, and forecasting processes, and better assess historical trends and current performance. Financial forecasting captures relevant operational, statistical, and financial data in one place, and allows for better decisions. In addition, forecasting allows proper planning to occur, fosters common understanding, and stimulates creative thinking. A well-done financial forecast is essential to good strategic planning, and can be the basis for more detailed and effective budgeting.

Who Should Attend

Financial managers, analysts, controllers and treasurers.

Course Overview

- What is Financial Forecasting?
- Objectives of Financial Forecasting
- Creating a framework for financial forecasting
- The Role of Assumptions in Making Financial Forecasts
- Identifying data patterns and applying time series modelling techniques
- Modelling and forecasting your key business drivers
- Simulating a complete financial forecast: Drilling down to the bottom line
- Dealing with uncertainty
- Interest Rate Risk Models
- Communicating the Forecast to Top Management: Data Visualisation
- New Directions in Financial Forecasting

By the end of this course the delegates will be able to:

- Identify effective Realistic Forecasting models and techniques needed to financially analyse a business;
- Make more meaningful and complete assumptions;
- Understand the risks inherent in your business with various risk analysis techniques;
- Make better, more profitable business decisions using advanced financial modeling methods.