Duration: 3 Days
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills associated with decommissioning, as well as what needs to be in place for effective and efficient decommissioning operation in their maturing provinces.
Who Should Attend
Planners, accounting personnel in the oil and gas industry.
Course Overview
- History of the Oil and Gas business
- Major players in the industry
- Activities in Exploration and Production
- Global energy resources, issues, PR and environment
- Project phases and life cycles
- Hydrocarbon basins/plays
- Origins of hydrocarbons
- Global geology, cycles, climates, structures and traps
- Exploration tools and methods
- Reservoirs, initial conditions, fluid properties
- Basic drilling technology
- Well technology, horizontal wells, artificial lift
- Surface facilities design
- Oil and Gas processing
- Field operations
- Basic project economics and financial performance indicators